Wednesday, May 18, 2016


You most likely already know that acupuncture is beneficial for back pain, but did you know that you can use it for multiple other issues going on within the body?

Seasonal Allergies
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help to reduce symptoms, as well as give you the advantage of not needing to use an antihistamine so often. Most people receive a quick response with acupuncture for their seasonal allergies.

Acid Reflux Disease
If you suffer from acid reflux disease, acupuncture can help with soothing it, rather than increasing your medicine. Acupuncture works by speeding digestion and regulating acid secretion.

Immune System Benefits
During acupuncture, when the needles are well-placed, it can lead to a boost of activity within the immune cells, as well as destroy any infections.

Heart Benefits
By having regular acupuncture sessions, it can lead to a decrease of stress markers and lower your blood pressure.

Enhance Your Mood
By having weekly acupuncture sessions, most people can cure their depression in just a few months. This happens because acupuncture will regulate the happy-making neurotransmitters inside your brain.

Experience Quality Sleep
Acupuncture will rev up the production of the neurotransmitters that are associated with sleep and relaxation, which will in return help you beat insomnia and you will be able to sleep better.

If you are interested in acupuncture for any of the above reasons or if you have a separate issue you would like to discuss involving acupuncture, please contact Steven Lint at 304-379-7000 for more information or visit